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Integrated mass flow controller in control cabinets protect coating technology against dust and moisture

Integrated mass flow controller in control cabinets protect coating technology against dust and moisture

Integrated mass flow controller in control cabinets protect coating technology against dust and moisture

Cabinet solutions for alternative fuels

Bürkert also offers control cabinet solutions for alternative fuels. Vegetable oil can be used in this application as an alternative to diesel fuel. The cold start of a vehicle always requires diesel and the switch to vegetable oil requires a minimum temperature for the alternative fuel. It is always important to prevent oil from entering the diesel tank.

Cabinet solutions for food processing

In the food processing sector, many different gases are used to maintain the freshness and quality of products. In this sector we likewise implement the ideas of our customers to create functional and energy-efficient solutions. Program processes and interfaces are optimized for the end user to ensure process reliability.

Cabinet solution for cooling of industrial processes

The cooling of industrial processes, such as in the die-casting industry, require modular solutions that are adapted to the respective task with respect to valve, sensor and control technology. Important marginal conditions here are the temperatures and pressure of the medium, and above all, the water quality. Based on decades of experience and our broad product spectrum, Bürkert can always offer the optimal solution, integrated in completely pre-installed and inspected control cabinets, in timetested Bürkert quality – all from one source!

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